Coaching is a thought provoking and creative, collaborative partnership between client and coach to develop and maximize your personal and business potential.
- Coaching helps you discover what’s really important to you, gives you a different view of things and opens up more possibilities in your personal and professional life.
- Through greater awareness you are able to make better, more effective decisions, which speed up your growth, learning and progress.
- Coaching helps narrow the gap between what you have and what you want. Practical tools, processes, methods, and techniques help make this change easier, smoother and faster.
- As coaches we are trained to observe and to listen to what is being said between the lines, as well as what is not being said. We then adapt our methods to your needs.
- The coach’s job is to:
- recognize your strengths and build on it
- encourage you to achieve short, medium and long term goal
- increase conscious awareness
- improve self mastery
- enhance strategic action
- provide a sounding board for ideas
- support you to develop your skills and become more creative
- assist you to make better use of your resources
- help you see what is stopping you or tripping you up
- develop your potential to achieve exceptional results
- Coaching assists you to achieve your desires and live your passion(s).
Why coaching?
Every high-performing person in the world, from athlete to business leader to political leader, has a coach in one form or another. High-performers know it is essential to have someone they trust who keeps them on their toes while having their best interests at heart.
Coaching is NOT about being told what, when and how to do things. You decide.
If you feel like you’re busy (fighting fires, handling crises, too much to do and too little time) you may find that the days turn into weeks and years and your dreams are still just that, DREAMS. Don’t let this happen to you (any longer). You don’t have to do it on your own.
Supremacy of the individual
Living in a society which often places a higher value on me than we and the idea that "I have to do it on my own; It is better to achieve something without help from anyone; it somehow devalues my achievement if I don't do it all by myself", is really sad.
Humans are social animals. We get more joy and pleasure working in harmony with other human beings. Together in partnership we are capable of far more than either of us would have been capable of on our own. It increases our joy to have someone to share and celebrate it with. When we share a “failure”, we get over it faster because we don’t have to carry the burden on our own.
“Two heads are better than one”.
...With this in mind: “How much further and faster do you think you will be able to go to become more of what you want, if you had the assistance of the right, committed partner, that holds your success as the highest purpose of that relationship?
I invite you to explore this truth; "two heads are better than one", for yourself, right now, click here to set up a free sample session.
Benefits of working with a coach
A coach assists you to:
- Take more, better and smarter actions - because you set the goals you really want.
- People do what they really want to do anyway. To leverage this, my first task is to assist you to find out exactly what you really want for yourself and your business. I help you to distinguish between all the must's, could's, should's, have to's, ought to's and what you really desire and want. Once you create your desired goal, you are much more likely to take consistent action to achieve it.
- Have a well-balanced, nourishing and flourishing life.
- Having it all means finding your balance and honouring who and what you are. This sense of self-contentment underpins everything else. It is time for you to get your needs met, and still have people like you. You know you are worth it.
Use your time more efficiently and effectively.
It is no use being frenetically busy and not getting to where you want to be. You’ll identify the difference between what is important and urgent and how to deal with that, and what to delegate.
Have more money sense.
You are worth much more than you are making, actually you can’t be paid what you are worth. And yet we squander so much and get into debt. I’ll help you set up a financial plan to have and generate more money, get rid of debt and move towards financial independence. You’ll design a strategy that will help you increase your income, reduce your overheads and get more from your professional efforts.
Have clear focus. Make better decisions for yourself and your business.
The coach believes the client is naturally creative and resourceful. We are all very smart and have tons of ideas, but we don’t act on them for various reasons. There is huge value in sharing ideas with someone you can trust to give you an honest, constructive opinion. It may not always be easy to hear. Remember I have your best interests at heart. Just talking about your options is often enough to have it all become clear.
Have a lot more sustainable energy and joy - bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
Doing things you don’t really want to do drains your energy and life becomes a struggle. With a sense of direction, purpose and meaning in your life, and an openness to fresh perspectives, it is much easier to deal with frustrations and challenges and even change these into opportunities. Taking care of your own needs means you have more personal satisfaction with life and work. A greater awareness of what makes you tick enhances your capacity, compassion and understanding of others.
Reach for more, much more.
Doing what you are passionate about and loving what you do is surely better than merely making ends meet.
Salman Rushdie had a saying I can relate to: "One of the things a writer is good for is to say the unsayable, speak the unspeakable and ask difficult questions." (1947). – Replace “writer” with “coach”.
Why coaching is a big deal.
The traditional assistance model was one of
- teacher – student,
- consultant – client,
- preacher – hapless subject.
The weakness of these models is the fact that after the teacher preacher consultant leaves, all that is left is book learning faith the fat report and the student hapless subject client is left to his/her own devices trying to muddle through on the road to OZ/way to Paradise. Even though the advice may have been great and the plans wonderful, they were really offered in the spirit of:
"If you do what I say, all will be well."
Left to their own devices, people struggle and often fail to reach the expected results.
- They may not understand the implications of the sequence nor the relationship between each part or action, or they haven’t bought into it entirely because their circumstance is different in some way.
- The “How” is never discussed.
- The capabilities, knowledge and resources of the individual aren’t matched with the task at hand. So a lot of effort and/or time invested leads to limited results and frustration.
Some differences and similarities between Coaching and other Roles
Coaching differs in some aspects from sports coaching.
Principles like teamwork, going for the goal and being your personal best are the same for both coaching models. Professional coaching, however, is not based on competition where someone wins and someone loses. A coach strengthens the client's skills rather than just helping him to beat the other, in order to have a win-win situation.
The difference between coaching and consulting.
A consultant is an expert in his field. S/he dispenses advice and has answers, holds the agenda, imparts knowledge and offers suggestions and processes to improve effectiveness and increase success.
Coaching sees the client as creative, capable, intelligent, and having answers within themselves or the resources to find them. Coaches act on the premise that the definitive expert regarding your life and work is you.
The difference between coaching and mentoring
The protégé picks a mentor. "A mentor can be a sounding board, they can give advice and share their experience.”
In a business environment a coach may be allocated so you may not have the choice you do when you select a personal coach The coach can also be a sounding board, rarely gives advice, but rather assists the client to work things out for themselves, and/or guides them through creative enquiry. Coaching is impartial, focused on improvement in behaviour and may challenge, if necessary.
The difference between Coaching and Therapy
The context that is created for asking questions is the defining difference between coaching and therapy.
Therapy: In this relationship the therapist is the expert.
The therapist tries to: unearth, confront, diagnose, expose, intervene and adjust. The therapy session may focus on: disorders, dysfunctions, symptoms, pathology, episodes, behaviors, recurrent patterns, trauma and the reasons for these.
Coaching: In coaching there is an equal co-creative relationship where the coach offers perspectives and assists the client to discover their own answers. The coach helps a client to: set goals, focus, prioritize, be proactive, clarify, brainstorm and achieve, and emphasizes: outcome, balance, purpose, options, actions, requests, assignments, strategies and money management.
Both attempt to change habitual ways of doing things and explore different points of view.
The primary distinction lies in the client’s need and intention. Clients seek:
- Traditional counselling or therapy when they sense something is wrong.
- Coaching when they sense something is not quite right, off a bit, out of balance, or needs improvement. The distinctions lies in the degree, where things aren’t as you’d like them to be.
- Coaching when they want to focus more on changing future behaviour.
E.g. Let’s say you wanted to learn to ride a bike. If you hired a:
Therapist, the therapist would help you find out what might be holding you back from riding the bike. S/he would delve into your past to discover what kinds of experience you have had with bikes and what your primary caregivers thought of bike-riding.
Consultant, the consultant would bring you a book and tell you everything you ever wanted to know about the bike, even with step-by-step instructions what to do. The consultant would then leave you. S/he might return six months later to see whether you managed to ride the bike.
Mentor, the mentor would share his/her experiences of riding bikes and the wisdom and lessons s/he had learned and what helped him/her to learn faster, e.g. extra side-wheels.
Coach, the coach would seat you on the bike, make sure the side-wheels were in the right position, hold on to the seat, and encourage, endorse, acknowledge and support you until you felt comfortable enough to go it alone.
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